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Monday, May 22, 2017


In today’s world it’s so hard for kids to just be themselves.

Pressure comes from a number of avenues – friends, 
teachers, TV, family and unknowingly children are being told who to be to fit in. 
At Helen O’ Grady, along with our parents we strive to create 
an environment where students feel safe to be who they are and express themselves freely.

Children who don’t get the opportunity to express 
themselves often grow up not knowing their own potential.

 Teaching kids how to express themselves needs to happen as
 early in life as possible—before the peer-pressure at school and from the media really kick in.

Learning how to express themselves can build their self-confidence, help them develop smart, independent thinking and nurture their creativity.

Drama gives children and youth a healthy way to express emotions like sadness, anger, aggression, happiness and excitement.

The Kuils River Upper Primary group show their great range of emotions and expressions

Every child is unique and together we can look for ways to foster the artistic expression that’s already within them.

Teaching children how to express themselves is one of the most important life skills you can give them. When children feel comfortable expressing who they are, they can make their dreams come true!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Term Two = Parent Day!

We love the second term!

As the leaves turn orange, brown and crunchy our students become more accustomed to the Helen O’ Grady methods and activities and classmates are more comfortable working together. And mostly, second term means PARENT DAY!

Parent Day is a highlight on the drama class calendar as our students get to invite their parents for a presentation and a mini-showcase of their skills. The Parent Day is a great opportunity for parents, friends and family to be part of a drama class. 
They get to see and be part of the action, a behind the scenes look into the magic that takes place every time they drop off their children at a drama class.
Teacher, Inandi Vosloo and her charges at the Paarl Studio start their preparation...

We hope all of our students will have someone in the audience to smile at from the stage when they present what they’ve already started preparing for this term’s Parent Days.

Hope to see you there!